Creation Weekend 2020


Friday, October 23, 2020


7:30pm to 10:00pm




A shortened version of the annual Creation Weekend event (due to Covid 19) will be on-line on Friday evening, October 23, 2020 at 7:30 pm. The Creation Science Association of Alberta is delighted to feature David Coppedge as the speaker presenting “Creation is Awe Inspiring!”
David Coppedge worked as a system administrator for NASA’s Cassini Mission to Saturn. He founded Creation Evolution Headlines, a website averaging 15,000 hits per month, an online source of daily informed commentary on current scientific journals.
Register at no cost at Once registered you will receive a confirmation email followed by an email with further details. Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about God’s creation, especially of nature and space.
For further information please call John or Margaret Helder at 780-462-0360.

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