Date Title Minister Key Text
Jul 21, 2024 (Afternoon) Another Look at the Several Sides of Success Pastor Joel Vander Kooi Joel Vander Kooi Genesis 39
Jul 21, 2024 (Morning) You Are the Light of the World Pastor Joel Vander Kooi Joel Vander Kooi John 1:1–18
Jul 7, 2024 (Morning) God warns His covenant people against turning away from Him. And we will see that from this warning we need to learn about:
Rev. Reuben Bredenhof
(Read by Elder Dean Wallace)
Hebrews 12:1–17
Apr 28, 2024 (Morning) By Fraternizing With Sinners Jesus TeachesThe Intended Objects Of His Salvation Pastor Mitch Ramkissoon Mark 2:13–17
Apr 21, 2024 (Afternoon) Christians can swear oaths in a godly manner. We will consider… Pastor Steve Van Leeuwen Jeremiah 4:1–4
Mar 10, 2024 (Afternoon) The true conversion of man is revealed… Pastor Steve Van Leeuwen Hebrews 11:1–7
Mar 10, 2024 (Morning) The Lord commissions Joshua to lead his people into the promised land. We will consider Pastor Steve Van Leeuwen Joshua 1:1–9
Mar 3, 2024 (Afternoon) The grace of God produces a thankful response… Pastor Steve Van Leeuwen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 32
Mar 3, 2024 (Morning) The pursuit of true riches is to fight the good fight of the faith. We will consider… Pastor Steve Van Leeuwen 1 Timothy 6:11–12
Feb 18, 2024 (Afternoon) The table of the Lord is holy therefore it must be regulated... Pastor Steve Van Leeuwen Leviticus 10:1–11
Feb 11, 2024 (Afternoon) The Lord's Supper declares that Jesus Christ is our true food and drink. We will consider... Pastor Steve Van Leeuwen John 6:35–58
Jan 14, 2024 (Afternoon) Heavenly Father, please fight for me! We pray: 1) under a constant threat 2) for a mighty power 3) in a confident spirit Read by Elder S. Vanderveen Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 52
Jan 14, 2024 (Morning) The Lord instructs Timothy to deal with others in love... 1. avoiding harshness, and implementing encouragement. Pastor Steve Van Leeuwen John 8:1–11
Jan 7, 2024 (Afternoon) The sacrament of baptism is a sign and seal that Pastor Steve Van Leeuwen Matthew 28:16–20
Dec 31, 2023 (Afternoon) Being a New Creation for a New Year. We will consider... Pastor Steve Van Leeuwen Revelation 21:1–8

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