The Bethel Canadian Reformed Church of Toronto oversees the mission project in Papua, New Guinea. Since 1998 Bethel Canadian Reformed Church has carried out mission work at 6 mission posts in and around Port Moresby, the capital city of PNG. Continuing the work begun by the Free Reformed Church of Albany, Australia, Bethel sent out Rev. Stephen ‘t Hart as missionary to work with the congregation in Ekoro where he laboured for 7 years. Rev. Henry Versteeg was sent in June of 2009 where he, together with his wife and other mission workers worked to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of PNG. Currently, Bethel Canadian Reformed Church in Toronto supports the mission work of Rev. & Mrs. Kleyn among the Reformed Churches of Papua New Guinea. The focus of the Kleyns’ work is in and around Port Moresby, the capital city of Papua New Guinea. There are six mission posts in that area, as well as the Reformed Churches Bible College. Our missionary family works to spread the gospel and to train members of the local churches in Christian doctrine and leadership.