Panah Mission is an outreach through the Refuge church in Langley BC to the Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi speaking community. This mission is led by Babar Masih.
Babar Masih lived in Pakistan for most of his life, where he received formal training at two seminaries and was working as a Pastor in Reformed Evangelical and Presbyterian Churches. He and his family eventually had to flee persecution in Pakistan and lived in hiding in Thailand for years before being accepted as refugees in Canada, where they were sponsored and became faithful members inthe Langley Canadian Reformed Church. When Refuge Church was formed with members of that church, this family were among the founding members. BabarMasih lived in Pakistan for most of his life, where he received formal training at two seminaries and was working as a Pastor in Reformed Evangelical and Presbyterian Churches. He and his family eventually had to flee persecution in Pakistan and lived in hiding in Thailand for years before being accepted as refugees in Canada, where they were sponsored and became faithful members in the Langley Canadian Reformed Church. When Refuge Church was formed with members of that church, this family were among the founding members. He also set up an online Bible Study which is attended regularly by hundreds of people in India and Pakistan.